Module src.qollib.processing.thread

The threads hold information on the function (and result) to execute in a thread or process.

@author: hoelken


class Thread (func: , args: object)


The threads hold information on the function to execute in a thread or process. Provides an interface to the future object once submitted to an executer.

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class Thread:
    # Thread
    The threads hold information on the function to execute in a thread or process.
    Provides an interface to the `future` object once submitted to an executer.

    def __init__(self, func: callable, args: object):
        self.function = func
        self.arguments = args
        self.future = None

    def submit(self, executor: Executor):
        """Start execution via executor"""
        if not self.is_submitted():
            self.future = executor.submit(self.function, self.arguments)
        return self

    def is_submitted(self) -> bool:
        return self.future is not None

    def is_done(self) -> bool:
        return self.is_submitted() and self.future.done()

    def exception(self):
        if not self.is_done():
            return None
        return self.future.exception()

    def result(self):
        if not self.is_submitted():
            return None
        return self.future.result()

    def cancel(self):
        except RuntimeError as e:
            log.warning('Unable to cancel thread: %s', e)

Instance variables

prop exception
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def exception(self):
    if not self.is_done():
        return None
    return self.future.exception()
prop result
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def result(self):
    if not self.is_submitted():
        return None
    return self.future.result()


def cancel(self)
def is_done(self) ‑> bool
def is_submitted(self) ‑> bool
def submit(self, executor: concurrent.futures._base.Executor)

Start execution via executor