Coverage for src/qollib/strings/ 100%
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1from typing import Union
4def parse_shape(string: str) -> tuple:
5 """
6 Parses a numpy like shape string, e.g. [0:,42:1337]
7 :returns: a tuple of slices that can be used with numpy arrays
8 """
9 string = string.strip("[]")
10 return tuple(to_slice(d) if ':' in d else to_int(d) for d in string.split(","))
13def to_slice(string: str, delimiter: str = ':') -> slice:
14 """:returns: a slice with start and stop taken from the string, seperated by delimiter, e.g. 3:7"""
15 start, stop = string.split(delimiter)
16 return slice(to_int(start), to_int(stop))
19def to_int(string: str) -> Union[int, None]:
20 """:returns: an integer if the string is numeric"""
21 if string.strip().isnumeric():
22 return int(string)
23 return None
26def shape_slices_to_string(shape: tuple) -> str:
27 out = []
28 for dim in shape:
29 if isinstance(dim, slice):
30 out.append(f'{dim.start}:{dim.stop}')
31 else:
32 out.append(str(dim))
33 return f"[{', '.join(out)}]"